Gander International Airport / CFB Gander

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Gander International Airport / CFB Gander is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 65 visitors.

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Picture of animebirder

Inspiration for the musical Come from Away

A former transatlantic crossroads before the jet era, Gander was one of the airports that housed stranded travelers when American airspace was closed due to the events of September 11, 2001; Gander International received 7000 passengers from thirty-eight planes. The incredible hospitality of the Newfoundlanders inspired the musical Come from Away, which ran on Broadway from 2017 to 2022, and continues to spark interest from innumerable "Come-from-Aways" in the people and culture of the island.

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Gander hospitality

Our USAirways flight from Dublin to Philadelphia was diverted to Gander due to mechanical problems. The staff at Gander was extremely friendly and welcoming. They added a second internet connection and kept the café open. Thank you for your hospitality.

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