Wynyard / W.B. Needham Field

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Wynyard / W.B. Needham Field is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 2 visitors.

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Picture of prattsoplenty

Wynyard Airport renamed W.B. Needham Field

The Wynyard Airport was renamed "W.B. Needham Field" on Saturday, 27 August, 2011. Flight Lieutenant (ret'd) Needham flew with 412 Fighter Squadron through the war, with a long list of notable accomplishments including 4 missions on D-Day in his Spitfire "VZ-R" before being shot down and taken prisoner by the Germans. He served at 412 Squadron with other notable airmen including Charley Fox DFC, Bar, and Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee Jr., author of High Flight.

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