Chandler Municipal Airport

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OurAirports members at KCHD

Chandler Municipal Airport is the home base for 7 OurAirports members. It has had 44 visitors.

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deceitful and rude

Chandler Air Service is owned and operated by Diana Walkup and her husband. She did not like the fact that my husband objected to the $12 per night tie down service (which equates to more than a hangar rental) when we spoke with the FBO lineman, so she called the Chandler police. She was not even a witness to our conversation with the lineman, but simply didn't like the fact that he complained. She did, however, wait until AFTER we had purchased $700 in fuel and paid for the several days of tie down before she made the complaint and had us served with a Trespass Notice - attempting to ban us from the airport for a year (not that it is even legal for her to do so). She acted with deceit and malice. This FBO should be avoided at all costs.

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