Toussaint Louverture International Airport

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OurAirports members at PAP

Toussaint Louverture International Airport is the home base for 2 OurAirports members. It has had 34 visitors.

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Picture of david

Post-quake: donate instead of flying

Since traffic is heavy and landing slots are needed for larger aircraft that can carry more cargo and personnel, AOPA recommends that instead of volunteering to fly down supplies, small-aircraft owner/pilots donate what the flight would have cost them:

Picture of david

Post-quake: U.S. airliners returning empty

U.S. airlines are flying in relief supplies, but because of a lack of functioning security screening, the U.S. won't let them evacuate most American visitors back out, so the flights are returning empty:

Picture of david

Blog entry about this airport

Here's a blog entry from a family working in Haiti, apparently as missionaries, though the content is purely secular. Passengers arriving at PAP have to walk a long distance outside to the terminal, which is not always possible during rainy season due to flooding:

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