Bhuj Airport

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OurAirports members at BHJ

Bhuj Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 6 visitors.

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Plane delayed. No helpful communication or updates.

3rd class service in a 3rd world country

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re: useless

Did anyone force you to come?? Third class people think in third class way

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re: useless

this is not the only case in here, it's problem in many other parts also in india...

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not possible this airport would be international

it cannot be be possible there are not proper runway markings

Picture of david

re: not possible this airport would be international

"International" is a bit of a misleading term. All you need to be an Airport of Entry (AoE) is to have customs services available. In Canada, we have grass strips and even water aerodromes that you could call "international."

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To make it international.

To live in 20th century we should have to be mordan. so that our air port station shuld also be latest. As an inter-national.

this is my kind request to authorty.


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re: To make it international.

you need to learn how to spell mordan 1st.

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re: To make it international.

nothing is impossible.... in US they have 15K airports...

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