Deesa Airport

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OurAirports members at VADS

Deesa Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Start of deesa airport

Deesa north gujarat nu business mathak 6e. Ane north gujarat ma koi jagya ae airport nathi. Ane ambaji deesa ni najik yatra dham (shakti pith)6e.....

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Deesa airport

where is this airport located in what city?

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for any job

Dear all

i am very much interested in doing job at Deesa Airport at any field.

plz kindly let me know at or give me message on mob. 9712058640

waiting for ur favourable earliest reply.

Thanking you,

your's faithfully,

Jagdish M.Thakar

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one of the good airport which is likely to come up very fast

how fast it can come up?

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