Airport comments for South Australia, Australia

Comments 101 to 150 of 204

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Aldinga airfield, Adelaide Biplanes

Well said. a great location and welcoming crew. you will not be disappointed if you either drive or fly in here. if you are thinking of tail dragger training, this is the place to go. Probably the best range of tail draggers in Australia. minimal traffic, short hop to the training area, minimal wasted time in the circuit or on the ground. good value for money.

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judge for yourself

This message is for anyone who is thinking about visiting Aldinga or doing flight training with Adelaide Biplanes. In short, don't listen to anything you read on here, instead go and judge for yourself. These comments give a very false view on what really happens at Aldinga. The vast majority find it to be a great airfield, home to a very professional flight school with a great array of different aircraft. A significantly better option both in terms of cost and quality than anything you will find at Parafield. This is coming from someone who has trained at Aldinga after trying many different options.

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Still at it?

To paraphrase Barack Obama, "when ignorant people publicly display their ignorance, you don't have to say too much, just let them run their mouths.."

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He's at it again.......


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Mmmm. Reading all the blogs it would seem that there are a number of SOB's with nothing to do.

In fact, I am one of those SOB's and do know 5 other SOB's who have said it as it is.

Perhaps if the operators at Aldinga would take note, and undergo a Anal Optasectomy to sever the optic nerve between their backsides and eyeballs they may have a better outlook on life and stop poohing on others nor acting as they are Gods gift to the Australian Aviation Industry.

Many airman died to protect their Pommie island. Poms, Canadians, Americans, Cheks, Poles, South Africans, New Zealanders and Australians.

( Perhaps they should remember that the POMS did not really win, the Germans lost)

And then when the flying Club at Aldinga celebrated the Battle of Brittan, one of then came running out of their sacred ground and abused the Flying Club members in front of everyone as they did not like the flying. Strange is it not, when you think that they would be thankful that their sorry bum was saved by so many who sacrificed their lives for them. They are a weird mob alright. So I, as others will, will wonder just who real the SOB's are.

Live in a glass house, should not throw stones lady as when someone throws a stone back you scream foul??????So when you bow out and start showing some respect to the Australian Aviators and stop slagging them and running to CASA then just maybe, you may just start earning some respect from the real aviators in Australia. If that is possible. So go away and start calling us who say it as it is some worse names than SOB. Oh and by the way, the biggest stone thrower and dobber at Aldinga cannot even fly an aircraft. How good is that?

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He's at it again.

Poor SOB has nothing better to do with his time.

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Seems strange that one soul with nothing to do is accused of ALL the negative postings about Aldinga when one only has to read the postings to understand that there is without doubt more than one soul with nothing to do posting comments. Postings that say it as it is about the joint based and with facts and Truth.

Facts and Truths by aviators who have been burnt and at times abused by the operators, tenants at that.

The present operators have turned Aldinga into a beautiful place but it is sadly tarnished by their crappy outlook towards most aviators in South Australia and not to mention their self appointed Industry Policeman attitude and are quick to run to the Authorities and Dob people in.

Sadly the bad attitude toward Australian Aviators seems to stem from one twisted soul who think that they own the place.

Aldinga is owned by a Company, Aldinga Aviation Pty Ltd, comprised of shareholders and these righteous people only lease the premises to operate the Flying School which as many of us understand that they regard Australian Aviators as having a bad culture and the bloke has come to Australia from the great? United Kingdom and has clearly stated that Australians have a bad flying culture and that he intends to change it. Strange that is it not? Clearly demonstrates their Attitude.

Oh and by the way, the posting re Local Accommodation and Dining facilities has the hallmark of the coffee shop owner. Self praise and self promotion.

Pilots beware of the smiling assassins in life. Milk you for your quid and than stab you in the back.

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Local accomodation and dining possibilities

Sent some friends there. they flew in and had booked at the Victory Hotel at Sellicks Hill, only a few miles away. this pub is well known around Adelaide for it's cellar and meals and now it has a B&B as well. my friends flew in and were picked up by the pub manager. they apparently had a great time, fantastic food and a huge choice of wines from the cellar. i gather the accomodation was good also. other friends have been to the Victory and bumped into Ray Martin and Sir David Attenborough and their wives dining there??

with regard to the airfield itself. probably the best coffee and home made cakes etc. you will ever find at any airport in Australia. great location, nice people.

ignore any BS you see here, it comes from one unfortunate soul who has nothing better to do.

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Aldinga Flying Ops

Whow, the word is now that the operator of the flying school is conducting both joy flights in his Bi Plane in Cahoots with the Southern Peninsula Tourism organization as well as Aerobatic flights whilst knowingly suffering from a Medical heart condition.

Is this true? Is this possible with the CASA watchdogs? Or is it possible that they do not know and that the dude has not been fully honest with the CASA doctors?

If this is so, why does he not display a sign in the cockpit "You fly at your own risk in this aircraft as the Pilot has a Medical Condition"

These are the rumors going around and given the Smiths total disregard towards the Aviation Industry in Australia by constantly reporting others to CASA, it may be that he is attempting to divert attention from himself?

He reportedly collapsed and fell over a number of times and was hospitalized and rumor says that he flies with a pacemaker, commercially.

If this is all true, which reports say it is, then how is it that he is able to operate as a single pilot in command?

Maybe Smith should clear this up tell us and put these rumors to bed. That is if they are only rumors and not fact.

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flying in

comments accurate: don't land on the N end: very rough sandy

If approaching from East watch out for eagle on the ridge at about 2500'

Picture of flyermre

pilot info

small traffic only, 300mtr runway 08/26 all welcome...general store with U/L petrol ,open tues to fri 9am to 5pm and sat 9am to 12pm.

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Same ol, same ol

Flew in with a mate the other day with intentions of refueling.

Incredibly daunting to join the circuit as 2 runways in operation, 90 degrees to each other and busy.

My mate wanted to join the circuit to land on 03 but 03 and , I think, 32 were is constant alternating use by local training aircraft.

Out of determination, he finally managed to join the circuit for 03.

When he commented to some tall lanky chap with a Adelaide Biplanes shirt, who therefore must have been part of the regime, he was asked if he had a GA licence and doesn't he know how to join a circuit. What arrogant crap. I think I must agree that some Pommie (as per comments on this site) arrogance must have rubbed off on this chap.

He was that pissed off that he decided to give refueling a miss and go to Goolwa.

Whow, it took about 15 min to try and enter 03, line up and take off.

A hair raising and frustrating experience.

There was some parachuting and flying activity at Goolwa but nothing like the hassle to join the circuit as Aldinga.

Have to give that a miss in the future.

But what about some rules and applying some airman ship. How do the students cope?

Well, its as my mate explained.

There is probably a local instructor in the aircraft as well and they simply time the circuits or do a bigger circuit or whatever they have to do so as to facilitate a landing on 03, then 32 and so on.

Makes it hard for anyone flying in there and in my view, dangerous.

I have read the comments on this site and would agree that there must be times when this does not happen.

And then it may be a nice place, but for me and my mate, never ever again.

Dammed glad to have gone to Goolwa and finally back to our aerodrome.

Picture of ptomblin

re: Wrong identifier

Confirmed - my Eurocontrol data shows it as YSFG and "Stonefield Gliding" as well. Updated.

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Wrong identifier

This is YSFG not YSFL - for Stonefield Gliding.

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Ideally placed for a flight along the coast

but the strip is sand/ grass and rough in parts

taking off fully loaded over the suburbs is an experience

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re: Mrs Smith is not a pom!

Nobody ever accused her of being a POM. Just acting like a toffee nosed POM who thinks that she is Gods gift to the Australian Aviation Industry. WRONG.

Can she fly? Does she have a pilots license? Or is she a self appointed Industry watchdog? And then if so, by whose authority and who has appointed both her and her POM Husband to police the local flying and other distant communities?

Pray for the day when some real down to earth proper aviators return to run the airfield.

How many of us would be more than happy to frequently fly in for a visit?

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Mrs Smith is not a pom!

all you people saying Mrs Smith in a are idiots! She is from the South East fools!!

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Flying to Broken Hill


We are to persons from Sweden and hope you can hlp us with to made a flying to Broken Hill tomorrow the 15 jan. If its possible can you made it?

We shall go there for to make some photografhy and only stay or around two to three hours.

Kind regards

Bertil Hagberg

Sweden and. Member of Ljungbyheds flightclub

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Keep this Forum to the point.

[>>>I'm sorry but i do not understand how or why one would expect everybody to stay quiet when they intentionally breach air legislation, putting the safety of themselves and others at risk. Grow up! <<<]

I don't understand this; who is intentionally breaching air legislation?

[>>> The ability to leave a comment about the airfield is being used for all the wrong reasons <<<]

Are you saying Aldinga is being used for all the wrong reason, if so what are they I know there is plenty of chaos there?

Only the other week an inexperienced pilot landed there with is family, thinking naturally that everyone be using the in to wind runway, landed and taxied back. He crossed another runway while an aircraft was on final to that runway, a go-round ensued and the pilot copped an un-helpfull mouthful from one of the instructors. Sure he was in the wrong, but in his own words he could not figure what the hell was going on, he assumed the aircraft had landed behind him, in his words to me was β€œit appeared aircraft were going everywhere with disregard to logic and making operations unsafe”.

[>>>>I fly the family to aldinga regularly, great scenery, great people, great food, great overall environment. I'm not quite sure what everyone is on about. Don't fly like a tool, and you'll receive just as much respect as anyone else.<<<]

I don’t get it, the food is great and the Smiths treat people well, I agree. Who is flying like a TOOL??? Are you talking about operations and the flying school? I agree the ops are chaotic, we had a meeting with CASA a few years ago over it, it’s an ongoing problem I admit, or who else is flying like a tool? If its a great overall environment what is your point with all this stuff about "intentionally breach air legislation" and "flying like a tool" ????

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Gawler Aerodrome

I forgot to add, the Adelaide Soaring Club offers that there are no landing fees at Gawler for non-commercial aircraft

(although ERSA reflects otherwise). Surely that is a sign of 'welcome'!

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Gawler Aerodrome

I strongly back up the previous comment. The club at Gawler welcomes visiting aircraft to a great clubhouse that's well stocked with coffee, basic food and refreshments. Saturdays and Wednesdays are active powered aircraft days. Pilot members gather to watch, talk and welcome visitors. Mondays, Fridays, Saturday and Sunday are the most active gliding days - whenever the conditions are anything above poor! If ever you get a grumpy-bum at Gawler, call the club promotions officer on 0427 868 568 - and he'll have the culprit shot!

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What is this!?!

I'm sorry but i do not understand how or why one would expect everybody to stay quiet when they intentionally breach air legislation, putting the safety of themselves and others at risk. Grow up!

The ability to leave a comment about the airfield is being used for all the wrong reasons.

I fly the family to aldinga regularly, great scenery, great people, great food, great overall environment. I'm not quite sure what everyone is on about. Don't fly like a tool, and you'll receive just as much respect as anyone else.

Picture of david

re: Keep this Forum to the point.

I think this poster is confused about who wrote what. I am the owner of OurAirports, and have posted nothing about the accident people are discussing

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Keep this Forum to the point.

Wow "@david " this is bit of poor representation of the events that killed Martyn and Gaylene’s son. This accident was tragic and should never of happened. I and everyone else I know (including Mr Chris Wise – whom I have spoken too about this), feels devastated for the Smiths. Why did you bring this up in this discussion?? Don’t forget the pilot that killed there son had a family too, and the events that happened that day is not their fault, when you represent untruths it reflects on them.

>the pilot had lost his medical<; He had lost his Class 1. Medical, he still retained a Class 2. Medical.

>and was disqualified from flying<; No he was not.

>let alone the low level aerobatics that he was carrying<; this was foolish as it’s not legal to take none essential crew and passengers whilst doing low level aerobatics.

>he drove his aircraft into the ground<, this is outrages, you make it sound like it was intentional, the manoeuvrer he did beggars believe, however in an attempts to impress, we have all done things that were stupid and got away with it, in this case he did not with tragic consequences.

It is this tragic event that has set the Smiths on a crusade, I can totally understand this, and as you put it > β€œi doubt that anyone could imagine the horrific images that must go through their minds”

Do not loose site that this pilot was well known to the Smiths and this was not the first flight they had shared on that day or other days. How they cope on a day to day bases is a credit to them, however does not excuse their crusade.

I think this forum should be kept to the opinions about the Aldinga Airfield, in Australia we all have a right to voice our opinions, one can only voice their own experiances and I know of several people whom have voiced their opinions on this forum, both positive and negative as is our pilots right, that the point of the forum.

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re: Watching the discussion

Oh by the way, I did respect the views on this site and did in my posting some time back ask that any issues relating to any problems etc in regard to the tenant of Aldinga Aviation, Adelaide Biplanes, should address these problems with our new progressive board.

I did ask that we should all put this to rest as the subject had been flogged to death. I wonder what inspired an individual with such a obvious poisoned twisted mind to incorrect assume and post such a mentally unbalanced tirade? Whether it be against me or not.

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re: Watching the discussion

Well well well. So some spineless creature who does not have the testicular fortitude is maybe pointing a finger at me, Chris Wise.

I did identify myself on this site and had my say, but it seems like we now have someone who incorrectly assumes (Never assume as it makes a ASS out U and ME )'

Now put yourself in Gaylene's shoes who may have instigated this post.

Everyone, And I mean everyone gave Martyn and Gaylene and Bonnie all the support in the world. My wife and I felt for them in a big way.

We lost our son last year, but we are not taking this out on anybody else.

And here lies the nucleus of the problem.

Gaylene has engaged in a vendetta againts aviators in Australia who she thinks have done wrong. She has attempted to dob aviators in at events other than at Aldinga.

THe classic was when she, with her husband present, ran to CASA because she had heard stories about the antics of some pilots at a gathering at Mick and Di's Skypark at Port Lincoln.

When CASA advised her that it was a private show and that they could not attend these events unless invited, she asked why they could not hide in the tress and wach what was going on.

So, this had nothing to do with them. But this is only one inc incident of dobbing.

This is not the Australian way of doing things, one talks to the alleged offender first IF IT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU.

Then Mr Smith tells me that the Australians have a terrible flying culture and when asked about it, He says that he is going to change it, This from a POM who had only recently arrived in Australia.

Look, at the end of the day, we all do sympathize with the Smiths, but they cannot take what happened to them out on the whole industry.

This is why, not just me, but many others in the flying fraternity have had enough of their dobbing arrogant attitude.

Read the posts, quite obviously the author of the last post has a fixation that I am the author of then. WRONG

One must remember that the Smiths thru the first stones and naturally some people will throw a stone back and they should learn to take the return flack that they so happily dish out.

I did post an article asking that all of this be put to rest, but if this snake in the grass wishes to continue with the trash, then please, identify yourself if you have the courage and BRING IT ON.

So if you are referring to me and my accurate opinions and assumptions of the Smiths which is quite obviously shared by many others, then instead of making accusations without identifying yourself and stand up and be accounted for, or are you also going to be another anonymous gutless dobber.

Now, If you are indeed referring to me, I am not bigoted and nor do I have a toxic mind. Only towards those who see fit to unjustifiably harm me or my mates, then it becomes more that toxic, it becomes very angry.

So what now Ms anonymous.

Picture of GlasairSportsman

Refuel here

Good refueling at YPAG. Stretch and have your own sandwich. No food available on the field.

Picture of GlasairSportsman

Overnight stay

Reefueled eqch way and stayed overnight when heading back west. Good stop off before taking the trip west back across the Nullabor.

Picture of GlasairSportsman

Refueled here

Stopped to refuel due to Forrest being out of fuel. Take care if there has been recent rain. The strip as some low spots. You will see the wet spots of there are weeds growing over the strip.

I hope they have replaced their refueling ladder. It is a death trap.

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Strip rough as guts August 2012

Rabbit holes everywhere messing up what is a great airport and nice place to visit

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The CTAF is 128.0

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height above sea level

height 300ft

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re:Chris Wise

Well, this is going to be interesting, so sit back, take a breath and let's see where this ends up.

It is now after 17.00 hrs and I write this after deliberation re a phone call that I received at about lunch time about this site with much glee on the other end of the phone.

So, my name is Chris Wise and I operate out of Aldinga.

I have posted one article on this site where I did say that we should leave this all alone and enough said.

Now to the nitty gritties and let's get in the open.

I do not get on with the operators of Adelaide Bi Planes and they do not get on with me. Nor do I particularly wish to get on with them.

It is a well recognized fact within the aviation scene around South Australia, and indeed interstate by some, that they have dobbed others in to CASA without any prior "sorting it out" with what they perceive to be wrong with the alleged offender.

And yes, they did attempt to dob the delightful people, Mick and Di Hart from Port Lincoln and as am led to believe with great authority, told CASA to hide in trees and observe what goes on at the Hart's Sky Park. Not nice. Yes they did dob young Pat Crowther without any sorting it out. i.e Mate please do not come back here and do that sort of flying end of story. No grief for the Crowther family.

Yes they did, as I am reliably informed, dob me in for aerobatics below 3000 feet but saw their behind as they were unaware of the fact that I have a endorsement to 1500 feet.

Yes they did abuse some for what they perceived to be a beat up when a guy did a go around. Yes when Mr Smith came to Australia form England, they did say that our Australian flying culture is crap and that they were going to change it and yes they are, not in the manner that blends in with our delightful culture.

So I have been vocal about this in the past to the extent that the board of Aldinga Aviation had their solicitor write to me about my comments which were in no way directed to the company, but Adelaide Bi Planes.

It is my opinion that in the past some of the directors on the board of Aldinga Aviation may have been protecting them.

And of course, I am led to believe that the list goes on.

However. There has been enough bulldust posted on this site and maybe with a bit of luck Adelaide Bi Planes at Aldinga may have come to realize that the Aviators in Australia do not appreciate people going to CASA rather that sort it out. They may also finally realized that their holier than thou attitude is not wanted.

So I would suggest that if the Mob at Adelaide Biplanes have an issue with someone, then they should go to that person and address the perceived problem and if required and warranted tell the person that they are running a flying school and do not appreciate that behavior as it sets a bad example wha wha wha, They would command far more respect.

Double standards. Yes there are as any honest aviator flying out of Aldinga will tell you. I have not been there for a while so that may have changed, But not according to the post re aerobatics below 3000ft with paying passengers.

Sadly Aldinga HAS got a reputation as a place to avoid. How do I know this. I know locals and people interstate who are of the opinion that the pleasure of participating in fly ins to Aldinga is no longer a pleasure as one never knows if one will be abused or Dobbed in.

So now. Aldinga Aviation have just recently had a change within the board and we as shareholders now believe that we have a board that is there for the shareholders, not just the interest's of a privileged few who could do no wrong.

This board, now comprises of progressive and positive board members who without doubt wish to act in the best interests of the shareholders as a whole and to act for the best interests in the shareholders aerodrome, Aldinga, and to move forward constructively and fairly.

With this in mind, should there be anyone who in the future is not happy with the attitude of the tenants of the airfield, Adelaide Biplanes, then I would request;

(1) All the comments on this site now be done with. Everyone has clearly had their say and there is no more to be said.

(2) If there are any further incidents whereby aviators who operate at Aldinga or who fly in to Aldinga, that may occur between them and Adelaide Biplanes which is not cosha, then please in the 1st instance for all to act as sensible grown ups and solve the problem amongst themselves without anyone running to CASA.

(3) Should there be any occasions where somebody considers that they have been victimized or dobed in or any such like by the tenants, I would urge those people to write to our board who will, I can assure you, take the middle road and adjudicate fairly.

This keeps it all nice and tidy and with a bit of luck we can all move forward in a friendly progressive manner. (Except for Adelaide Biplanes and myself) They leave me and my mates alone, I leave them alone.

I read the article about the anonymity of the internet and decided to show my testicular fortitude and have my say and to me, that's the end of it. Let's move on and see what happens.

The horse has been flogged to death.

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re: Local Pilot

Isn't the internet also just great to be able to expose those who anonymously dob people in to the authorities without any due thought to the hurt and anguish that they cause by such low un Australian attitudes that they extend toward fellow aviators.

Nothing bigoted or small minded about that. Oh and by the way, who is hiding behind anonymity?

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re: Fier beware

That's the Australian way cobber. Give people a fair go awright.

These people were welcomed to Australia, and remember they choose to come here, we did not ask them, and we gave them the biggest fair go that they could wish for.

Then they attack our flying culture, dob fliers in to CASA but have the attitude do as we say, not do as we do.

Two standards cobber. No fair go cobber.

Seems to me where there is smoke there is a fire and there sure as hell is plenty of smoke.

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re: Local Pilot

What a pity the internet allows the small minded, bigoted nasty, whinging people of the world to voice this purile trite and hide behind anonymity.

Picture of Skipperjl44

re: Gawler Aerodrome

This is rubbish! There is a strong recreational and VH component to the Adelaide Soaring Club which now has a growing powered element. There is a new clubhouse and briefing room and visitors are certainly welcome. There can be a lot of traffic with gliders and tug aircraft so you need to listen to your wireless and follow the usual rules. There can also be several Jabirus in the circuit on training days - but this just means you will have someone to talk to if you call in. John Couper-Smartt

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Local Pilot

How about you post your name? (About 45 years of flying Hey. Should be able to see the light by now)

Maybe then you could be enlightened about the dobbing in, hide in the trees and watch what others do.

None of which has anything to do with them as these events and venues took place at other airfields and private properties. None of Smiths business, so why do they run to CASA?

And when something does take place at Aldinga, they have not got the common decency to approach the person in the first instance and sort it out. Nope, they have a hot line to CASA.

How un Australian is that.

Smith, who is not endorsed for aerobatics below 3000' is often observed conducting Aerobatics at about 1200 to 1500, with a paying passenger on board, but does anybody dob him in? Nope.

Saturday 21/04/2012 between 10.30 and 1100 hrs he was observed by others conducting aerobatic manoeuvres at below 3000', about 1500' in the Tiger Moth with a paying passenger. But will we phone CASA? Not on your life.

One never phones CASA even if it is Smith.

Double Standards.

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Far out!

Wow.... I trained at 4 flying schools and with about 6 different trainers before ending up at Bi-Planes and I certainly have no hesitation in recommending them. The people are just sooo nice and the trainers have been the best. I understand that you cant please all the people, all of the time but in the time I have been there, they have certainly pleased me. I certainly havent seen double standards... only a professional standard from the owners down.


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re: Fier beware

well flyer beware I seem to remember the Australian way is to give people a fair go - not attack them. Oh well, I suppose its ok as long as you know who you are.

Cooee Cobber

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re: A Local Pilot

I feel very sorry for you, I have decided to fly there because of the high standard of airmanship and quality of the flying offered by the flying school. Do not try to say I don't know what I am talking about, I have been around aviation since 1966. I would suggest you take a good hard look at yourself and not be too one eyed about what you see. As for the story about Martyn Smith, you should really get the true story and not make it up from bits and pieces, your real name in the comment would add some credibility to an otherwise sad made up story.

Happy to fly there

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A Local Pilot

Hahaha Hey β€œWhat The?”, love it – how true, after all just before a commercial flight Martyn Smith collapsed (for the second time) with heart failure, a few weeks later he is back in the air with chest full of electronics (the bionic man) again taking commercial flight, his double standards in flying safety are interesting, where money is involved, its one rule where anyone else is involved its another and I don’t get the dobbing thing???? I reckon they don’t have the guts to say anything to anyone and so just scurry away to CASA (they must have a hot line). I think these people are mental and should take a VIP lawn mowing contract and stay away from aviation.

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What the?

>>Wow what an extremely racist comment. About time some of you grew up a bit dont you think?????

I just read all this stuff, where are the 'racist comments', yes there were plenty of typical Oz comments but that how we speak here???? I am confused.

Either way I have met these people and they are just the most wonderful people (flying school/coffee shop) UNTIL THEY BURN YOU and they will (in a whim). I have seen these people demonstrate some of the worst airmanship I have ever seen by professional pilots, ground collisions and near misses on the ground, a complete failure to communicate their intentions on the radio and to respond to any call I have ever made them. This is not about Race its about double standards, poor airmanship and dobbing people in (and plenty of times when they were not present and on un-factual hearsay). Yes there people are wonderful until they burn you that is why people are expressing their objections on this site. Do I avoid flying to YADG? Yes, Do I trust these people? NO, would send anyone I know to learn to fly there? NO

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response to articles

Sorry, I noticed that my article came up as flier beware.

That is not me, I was responding to the articles and did not realize that I had to enter a name in the subject box.

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re: Flier beware

Wow what an extremely racist comment. About time some of you grew up a bit dont you think?????

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My Experience

From my point of view all these comments are correct. I flew in from Cessnock with my wife just under a year ago for 14 days holiday based in McLaren Vale (beautiful wines and country), we also did some local flying including a 2 day trip to Kangaroo Island (must see). Yes there was certainly some chaos in the circuit and I experienced poor / non-existent communications with other aircraft, it is certainly not the safest place I have flown to, but it was manageable with a diligent lookout. The little shop/ flying school had good food; the people were friendly and helpful. However over the period of our stay, we met several local pilots, some based at Aldinga and other’s from the surrounding areas and Kangaroo Island, from which we gained several perspectives and stories. Too many consistent stories from different pilots to just ignore as the odd disgruntled pilot, not everyone had a bad word to say about the flying school operators however about 80% of the pilots we met were of the same general opinion that these people cannot be trusted and have double standards. Several of the pilots I met had been approached or fined by CASA for incidents dobbed in by the flying school operators without every talking to them first (I don’t understand this, in Cessnock if you do something silly or wrong usually one of the instructor or experienced pilots will have a word in your ear and leave it at that, anyway that’s how we roll in NSW). Overall we had great experience in SA however the stories did make me very wary of the flying school operators.

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By the way

Just read the comment about cowboy flying.

The only dangerous flying that takes place at Aldinga is by the operators themselves.

Terrible circuit procedures and a RECORDED number of near misses due to their "Can do no wrong attitude"

The lady who cannot fly but who runs the place and berates and looks to persecute those that she perceives to have done something wrong, is of the opinion, in her one eyed view, that they the operators are SSSSOOoooo so safe, but all the others that dare fly in there are nowhere near as safe as they are.

For one who cannot even fly, her attitude and interference with real aviators is woeful and leaves an awful lot to be desired.

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Flier beware

If you intend to fly into Aldinga.

Be so at your own risk of;

(1) Bad circuit manners and procedures.

(2) Bad manners and the risk of being abused for something that the operators do not like.

(3) Highest avgas prices. Higher than Goolwa and other aerodromes who pay cartage where Aldinga do not. Rip off prices.

(4) Do something wrong, and you will not be approached to "Sort it out and clear the air" You can expect a call from CASA.

Makes one wonder why they are in the aviation business when the act like self appointed industry regulators and policeman.

Bad attitude toward the Australian aviators and Australian flying culture.

Should go back to the UK where they came from and practice their pedantic crappy outlook on their own countrymen.

Come to Australia and try and tell Australians how it should be done. Huh. we have a proud aviation history.

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The shafting airport

The good blog on this site is quite obviously posted by the operators of Aldinga.

Note the continued reference to coffee, the wonderful safe place to fly.

At Adinga, there are 2 rules, one for them and one for others. Do as they say and not as they do.

Now I am told of a near miss because they are doing left and right circuits without any notification in the ERSA.

Fly there at your own risk.

If one has money to spend at Aldinga, then you are great.

There are many locals who will not go near the joint. Have been abused for no reason, reported for no reason and been rude to for no reason.

How about the people at Aldinga attempting to dob the people in at a Port Lincoln fly in when they were not even there. Told CASA to hide in the tress and spy on these great people at PLC.

Yeah nice people.

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Great alternative to Port Augusta or Whyalla

We always use Port Pirie in preference to the above- easy to get fuel and friendly. Second the comment below- the airport manager is a really great guy.