Faro Airport

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OurAirports members at FAO

Faro Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 134 visitors.

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Picture of Leo2789


Faro Airport is the 3rd busiest in Portugal and the 58th busiest in Europe, with as many as 8,700,000 passengers passing through it in 2017. It serves the touristic region of the Algarve, with its many beaches and summer resorts, and like the other 2 International airports in the mainland, it has seen passenger numbers rise by more than 10% each year for the last 6 years.

Picture of Leo2789

Runway is still the same

What you (or your friend) possibly heard/read about was that the airport's infrastructures (terminal, passport areas, etc) have been enlarged to accommodate rising passenger numbers; there was no work done on the runway.

Picture of


I had a disagreement with a friend who says the Runway has been extended, i have been travelling to faro since 1995 and have not noticed any changes could you clarify this please

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