RSS problem-report feed for France France airport problem reports

6 open 27 total

Airport Problem Details Status Created Updated Last comment
Bournizeaux Airfield Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

Bournizeaux (+x) airport

open 2023-08-19 11:06:09 2024-05-13 20:09:54


Fayence Glider Field Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

The correct name is: Fayence Airfield, please remove the "glider" as it is for planes, ultralights and gliders.


open 2024-04-16 04:49:11
Maubeuge-Élesmes Airfield Other

Airport is not closed!

open 2024-02-23 09:45:51 2024-04-10 09:09:18

Please don't indicate this airport as closed, see current vac:

Many thanks

Aérodrome de Bagnères de Luchon Other

Runway length is 750m, unpaved and displaced threshold on rwy01 LDA is 590m

open 2024-02-27 13:41:36
Aérodrome de Lessay Wrong airport location

The airport is located in Lessay, Normandie, France (not in Chalon), And in the key words it's written 'Haute-Normandie" but it's actually "Basse-Normandie"

open 2023-05-24 10:25:29
Brive-Souillac Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

The second runway is marked as delete but I don't have rights to do it. There is only 1 runway

open 2023-05-21 11:15:59