Fray Bartolome Airport
El Achiotal, Alta Verapez Department, Guatemala

Changes to MGFB

2022-01-09 11:52:27



Changed name and identifier. Added pilot info link.

Changed name from "Inta Northeast Airport" to "Fray Bartolome Airport"
Changed latitude_deg from "15.8042" to "15.8041"
Changed elevation_ft from "510" to "512"
Changed gps_code from "MG13" to "MGFB"
Changed local_code from "MG13" to ""
Changed pilot_link from "" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "MG13, Inta Northeast"
Changed zoom from "14" to "15"

2008-09-29 08:27:20



Batch updates

Changed ident from "GT-MG13" to "MG13"
Changed municipality from "" to "El Achiotal"
Changed magnetic_variation_deg from "" to "2.052"

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Inta Northeast Airport