Bucharest Băneasa Aurel Vlaicu International Airport

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Bucharest Băneasa Aurel Vlaicu International Airport is the home base for 5 OurAirports members. It has had 32 visitors.

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Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Aurel Vlaicu International Airport

Aurel Vlaicu International Airport is located in Băneasa district, Bucharest, Romania, 8.5 km north of the city center. Named after Aurel Vlaicu, a Romanian engineer, inventor, aeroplane constructor, and early pilot, it was Bucharest's only airport until 1969, when the Otopeni Airport was opened to civilian use.

Until March 2012, when it was converted into a business airport, Aurel Vlaicu International was the second airport in Romania in terms of air traffic, and Bucharest's low-cost airline hub.

Picture of superbaba

Banease airport

it got better in the last year, the service is better and people are more helpful.

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