Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport

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OurAirports members at SYD

Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport is the home base for 38 OurAirports members. It has had 385 visitors.

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(no subject)

[07/02 13:34] DR.SONY LiTTl

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(no subject)

Dog harassment HERE puppy

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(no subject)

Danger here night shoot out here

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(no subject)

Bolt here come grass under càrr tyre surrounding electrified lights. Cooler here Elizabeth Here

Picture of jwatsontravel

Love this airport every time

Been on international flights landing here on 6 occasions and domestic flights over 20 times in the past. Never had any issues with customs, finding information or connection times (when relevant). Easy to get around, customs is friendly and helpful and of course you are in Oz so things just feel better. Taxi lines can be crazy sometimes when hundreds of people get out at the same time but no major issues.

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I MISSED MY FLIGHT :( very pooooooooooor services)

i was told from the travel agent there will be a bus....!!!

There was neither sign for the bus, nor for transits

i asked Virgin airlines lady/lazy!! told me to sit down there till i miss my flight.

spent a night and slept on the floor (the Virgin, NZ flight and Syd airport do not know have accommodation!!)

in the morning got air NZ check open given GATE 50!!! but later got the screen board GATE 56!! HUH...

i though i will miss again my flight but asked tens of virgins employees (dont trust one person) finally got it yet delayed our time 40min.

i wish if i could get refund or reward for missing flight and accommodation ...can anyone hear me

my opinion to get Victorian employees in Sydney airport or close that airport.

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Good evening. As a recent passenger arrival and a resident of Sydney, my wife and I were appalled that we could not ascertain/find directions to the shuttle bus to "Park & Pay" building on the periphery of the Airport. Your wandering attendants had no idea; NO signage. We were tired, it was late, and eventually found out that Park & pay are not allowed to erect signage. GREAT STUFF. How dumb is this. We found the bus boarding site - eventually, after walking from one end of airport to the other. How the hell are overseas strangers going to find their way around ??? Don't worry about them. They'll be gone soon !!!

Next - Sydney Airport is (or should) be the GATEWAY to Australia. What a miserable, boring looking place it is. Why? It's merely a commercial venture. NOTHING to make overseas or interstate visitors feel - this place is so beautiful. Weeds all over the place - not a flowering shrub/garden in sight. Have alook at Changi, Singapore etc. & others.

Smarten yourselves up and make this boring airport a bit more 'user' friendly, that we Australians can be proud of.

Or don't you care?? Too busy pocketing obscene salaries? Over to you.

Anthony Williams. -

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Oh. Could not agree more. Sydney airport...what I would like to describe it as and it's staff would is too disgusting.

Picture of zarfire

First 747 to land at SYD

It was a cold windy rainy day in the early 70's

I had never seen a Jumbo land but it was clear he was landing LONG!

So long he ran off end of runway and nearly got in a fight with airport fuel lines!

I think USA pilot was given a ticket home.

Anyone have any additional info or an old photo from Sydney herald.

PS now live in the land of Boeing namely Seattle.

Picture of jordan200

Not well planned

This airport is not very well planned because of how the terminals are to far apart, and airport is very close to the city which is good and bad.

Picture of Yannick

I listed Bankstown at my home airport but I could have liste

I live fairly close by, walking down the street to the beach I can see the main runway 34L which is reclaimed on Botany Bay, I drive next to it every morning going to work (actually, in the airport tunnel under the runways) and my job is so close to the airport that the building is shaking when heavies e.g 747 are on very short final on runway 25 - so close you can almost touch the aircraft !

We get to see some interesting aircrafts land there now and then. Indeed there were quite a few of us to watch the A380 land here for the first time almost two years ago.

Picture of Ozguy


A pity we never get to land into wind!

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