NOTAMS for Anapa Vityazevo Airport

This is not an official NOTAM source, and NOTAMs may be missing or out of date. Includes only aerodrome-specific NOTAMS.

NOTAM G0065/24: Anapa Vityazevo Airport (URKA)

G0065/24 NOTAMR G0355/23 Q) URRV/QGWAU/I/NBO/EA/000/999/4500N03720E150 A) URKA B) 2402290538 C) 2406012359 EST E) RWY 04/22: GBAS U/S, GLS APCH PROC SHOULD NOT BE USED. CREATED: 29 Feb 2024 05:50:00 SOURCE: UUUUYNYX